MACH like a BaaS*

‘No MACH vendor company crosses the chasm alone’

The BaaS Company is the agency that positioned The MACH Alliance, defined its messaging and brand and executed on the strategy of creating a new modern tech category. Below how to - in this category - position a MACH company. Best to do it like a BaaS!

*BaaS in The BaaS Company stands for Branding as a Service, yet baas is also the Dutch word for boss ;)

Positioning a MACH company
In the category of MACH ‘partnerships and alignment’ are the name of the game. Being MACH certified is a good starting point for a positioning, at the same time, finding the right fit between vendor and buyer in platform, functionality, timing, value and maturity is more relevant than ever. How to plot the MACH stack to the tech adoption curve?

What we offer

We are a full service branding and positioning agency that specializes in the MACH category as we helped create MACH from the get go - see the case study.

As an agency we are geo and discipline agnostic. We offer all branding, marketing and communications disciplines and/or can provide leadership to your execution team. 

We are stratecutors.

Let's MACH like a BaaS

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