How to Build Movements in B2B Tech

Leoni Janssen
Discover the art of igniting powerful movements in the B2B tech space. Dive into strategies, from honing a razor-sharp mission to harnessing the collective power of your community.

Paradigm shifts are created, movements are started, shaped and built. We at The BaaS Company have done our fair share of global, professional movement building and paradigm shifting. This famous video featured in Derek Silver’s TED talk, amusingly captures the way that movements typically get started and are built.

However, from the many discussions I’ve had about building new categories in B2B tech, it’s clear that the video might not be too instructive a playbook for building a professional movement. 

Here is how that translates in more instructional steps: 

Building a movement can be simple, but it's not always easy. Reach out to us if you have a mission and are dreaming of change! 

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